Welcome to the Rider Research Hub.
We're a friendly community of riders helping to shape the future of cycling by collaborating with organizations, brands and charities. Members share their views through a range of polls, chats, discussions, quizzes and surveys.
The more you share, the better your chance of winning a prize.
Why sign up?
If you would like to know more about how the community works or how data is handled, you can take a look at the Privacy policy and Terms & Conditions sections of the site.
We're a friendly community of riders helping to shape the future of cycling by collaborating with organizations, brands and charities. Members share their views through a range of polls, chats, discussions, quizzes and surveys.
The more you share, the better your chance of winning a prize.
Why sign up?
- Influence brands to create better products & content
- Win exciting prizes
- Be the first to hear about what we discover
If you would like to know more about how the community works or how data is handled, you can take a look at the Privacy policy and Terms & Conditions sections of the site.